
vrijdag 22 januari 2021

maandag 18 januari 2021

Shete Boka, national park, Curaçao. Trail to Boka Wandomi

Road to Boka Wandomi

From the entrance of the park, it is a 15 minutes walk along the road.
Also accessible by car.
There is a walking trail along the coast too.
With many photo opportunities.


zondag 17 januari 2021

Shete Boka. National Park , North west coast.

Several wet places with wonderful colors 

Along the trail to Boca Pistol 

Banana di rift.

Old Well, Pos Chal

Trail to Boca Pistol

After a rainy season, a small lake forms.

To the coast.

 Road from entrance to Boca pistol.

maandag 11 januari 2021



Jamanica hillside  

The Curaçao “bol”cactus 

After many months of rain, everything is green.
Most trails are overgrown or hardly visible.

Jamanica hillside

zondag 3 januari 2021

Corona-tochtjes. COVID-19 hikes.

During these long months of lockdown, without beach-parties or any other group events, the two of us  visit the National parks of Curaçao. Shete Boka. The seven boca’s is first choice.

We’ll upload photos of rolling waves, the trails and maybe an animal here or there.

Shete Boca.