
Trails / wandelroutes

The earliest entrees about our hikes are in English. Later on most reports are in Dutch.
De eerste wandelverslagen zijn in het Engels. De latere in het Nederlands.

The National Parks (Christoffel park, Shete Boca,) and Hofi Pastor have their own trail guides.
De nationale parken hebben zelf een routekaarten.

Ascension has a choice of trails, they are marked well.
Ascension heeft vele routes die duidelijk zijn aangegeven.

Hiking the Hato planes? See our hike here:  San Pedro.
From San Pedro follow the coast line, to Ascencion. Or go from Ascencion to San Pedro.
Going to the far North west, still along the coast, hike from Ascencion to Barber via Patrick - old stone breaking place. Or, again, from Barber to Ascencion.

Voor wandelen op of via de Hatovlakte zie de links hierboven.

San Juan - small entrance fee, park your car at the plantation house - has trails following the South coast.

A hike around the Jan Kok salt pans takes about two and a half hour. Flamingos, Bullen Bay, pelicans and a turquoise sea. Ruins of plantation house and hills with a view. The trail is not marked. Starting at Jan Kok, you'll end the hike in Willibrordus, a village. From there, walk back to Jan Kok on a paved road.

Some trails are not well kept or not marked well. One needs to watch out for cacti and Wabi needles.
Sommige paden zijn niet duidelijk aangegeven of niet goed onderhouden. Kijk uit voor cactusstekels en de naalden van de Wabi boom.