
maandag 2 november 2009

Zapateer / Kabouterbos

Last update: The Kabouterbos is o.k. but the trail through Zapateer is changing and maybe gone in a while, due to the building of new houses.

Combine a short walk through the Kabouterbos with hiking through Zapateer. This will take you 2 hours.
Leave your wheels at the bowling club at the Chuchubiweg. Climb over the rubble and there is the Kabouterbos! You follow the path and if you want to go on to Zapateer cross the road (Erosweg).
The Manzanilla trees have nice little appels.... don't eat them, they are very poisenous. Don't touch the appels or the leaves, you can get very sick and your skin will be itching. When it rains, some people get sick from walking under the wet and dripping Manzanilla trees.
To find the way in Zapateer you have to look for a path, footsteps or you go anywhere you like to go. We try to keep the trail open, but the bushes are very willing to grow. Bring a sharp knive or something to cut the thorny "Wabi" branches.
The trail can be muddy or very dry; you have to watch your step!
There are three dams that you can walk on.
Climb the hill and enjoy the views from there!
There is an old water reservoir that looks like a bike court.
You will get out of there somehow and after crossing the Erosweg again you can complete the circle through the Kabouterbos.
The landscape of Zapateer is changing. Houses are being built.

On the nearby Cascoraweg there are several places you can go to rest and to get cold drinks.

Watamula - including pictures of most recent hike.

Last update: trails are o.k. The trail along the coast is a bit overgrown.
Most recent hike: Oct. 2011

photos by G. Kroeger

Ook een fijne duikplek / Also a good place for diving

No matter what, on the Watamula trail you will get lost! You study the map, you read the guide book, but at some point there seems to be something wrong.
First things first: Leave your wheels (well locked!) at the parking of Playa Kalki and start walking. You can also park at thje Kura Hulanda Lodges,  entrance fee Naf.10,- - you can have drinks at the restaurant for that money)
Following the route of the map you'll get to the most western point of Curaçao "Watamula". So far so good
The map tells you there is a path along the South Coast to circle back to Playa Kalki. Oh yes, it is there. But then there is a little boca that needs you to jump and climb to get on with the hike. Some do, of course. You end up following the coastline. Beautiful! But at some point the trail is ... well may be some day, it will be there.
Somewhere you can leave the coast line and turn back to the main trail.

Another way to do this outer West Point, is going North along the coast. And back.

Photos: L. Gill, A.Cools, F.Cools

Santa Cruz

Last update: trails are o.k. Trailhead changed: it is at the left side - when entering the Playa - up hill.

The Santa Cruz trails are easy, but the sand may be wet or very dry and soft, which makes walking a bit harder. The wind doesn't always find the path you are walking on, but it will be there as soon as you get a little higher or closer to the coast. Best go there in the cooler season (the end of October, till the beginning of March)

There are trails to different bocas. Just go as far as you wish. Take time to swim, or sit and rest on a large peace of coral. The little Bocas are beautiful. You can go all the way to San Nicolas!
The first bay you'll see is Santu Pretu, Black Sand. There are a lot of Manzanilla trees. Don't eat the apples or touch the leaves!! They are poisonous.
A little to the West, we saw dolphins.

See for trail maps: Trail Maps - Wandelkaarten

San Juan

Last update: none. Trails are rough but o.k.

Leave your car at the parking in front of the plantation house San Juan and start your hike from there to the South Coast. You need to pay a small entrance fee. San Juan has three bocas or beaches, so you have a choice of trails and you can take a rest to swim.
There are a lot of Manzanilla trees and by now you should know how dangerous they are. Don't touch the leaves, don't eat the apples!


The trails to the bocas are not hard. But if there is no breeze it can be pretty hot. Especially when you go up hill.

Playa Hundu

Last update: No updates, the asphalt road should be o.k. and the sandy trails may be muddy after heavy rainfall.

Trailhead: Park at the road side at Plantation House Groot Santa Martha.

On foot follow the road a bit further down. There is a left turn and a right turn. In between, at your left hand side, is the road to Playa Hundu.
There is a little sign on the wall at the beginning of the road to Playa Hundu.

The road becomes a sand road that l eads toPlaya Hundu.

To Boca Sal:

After a while you'll see a sandy trail (at your left hand side) that leads to another Playa: Boca Sal.
This is an easy hike. The Playa is beautiful. Please don't disturb the birds!

See for trail maps: Trail Maps - Wandelkaarten

Porto Mari Plantation

Last update: Most trails are not maintained and overgrown. The trails that start at the parking place are more or less o.k.

The magasina on top.

Trail to Playa Hunku from the parking place.

Old central trail.

The beach. (fee area)

Overview of the plantation

On one of the hills.

Old trail, now even more overgrown.

The Porto Mari Plantation opens the gates at 9.00 and closes at 19.00. It has a restaurant.
Porto Mari is a large plantation and offers several trails. Maps are probably not available anymore.

Old trail: to the Magasina (an old barn), which is quite a distance or the bird trail (not too long and you get to see the ruined plantation house).
Trails that are still o.k.: Two short climbs on the two hills that are directly west and east of the beach, or you can walk to Playa Hunku (Dingo).

As usual, our little group follows little unkept trails, where we hear angry pigs that try to scare us away. We get lost, as usual. But we are rewarded with a good look at Warawaras (the eagles), Parakeets, Kinikini and Falki (falcons).

See for trail maps: Trail Maps - Wandelkaarten

Piscadera - Veeris

Last update: none.
Recnt hike: Oct. 2011 - Photos by Germen Kroeger.

Jack. Evertsberg - Jack Everts Hill

 Jack. Evertsberg - this hill is oposite the Veerisberg.

View from the top.


*You can start this hike from the main road between Piscadera and Jan Doret (Opposite the turnoff to Cas Chikitu, there is a dirt road. That is where we left our cars)
From the dirt road you can see the ruined plantation house Raphaël. You can go up to the house and look around a bit. At some point along the trail you'll have a nice view of the Piscadera Bay with the boats of the fishermen.

*You can include a trail up and down the Veeris Hill. Quite steep, beautiful views!
The trails are nice, but depending on the direction of the wind, you may smell the oil refinery.
* Or you start at Hook's Hut (or Playa di Awa) at Piscadera. You can include a trail up and down the Veeris Hill. Quite steep, beautiful views!

See for trail maps: Trail Maps - Wandelkaarten