
maandag 2 november 2009

Zapateer / Kabouterbos

Last update: The Kabouterbos is o.k. but the trail through Zapateer is changing and maybe gone in a while, due to the building of new houses.

Combine a short walk through the Kabouterbos with hiking through Zapateer. This will take you 2 hours.
Leave your wheels at the bowling club at the Chuchubiweg. Climb over the rubble and there is the Kabouterbos! You follow the path and if you want to go on to Zapateer cross the road (Erosweg).
The Manzanilla trees have nice little appels.... don't eat them, they are very poisenous. Don't touch the appels or the leaves, you can get very sick and your skin will be itching. When it rains, some people get sick from walking under the wet and dripping Manzanilla trees.
To find the way in Zapateer you have to look for a path, footsteps or you go anywhere you like to go. We try to keep the trail open, but the bushes are very willing to grow. Bring a sharp knive or something to cut the thorny "Wabi" branches.
The trail can be muddy or very dry; you have to watch your step!
There are three dams that you can walk on.
Climb the hill and enjoy the views from there!
There is an old water reservoir that looks like a bike court.
You will get out of there somehow and after crossing the Erosweg again you can complete the circle through the Kabouterbos.
The landscape of Zapateer is changing. Houses are being built.

On the nearby Cascoraweg there are several places you can go to rest and to get cold drinks.