
maandag 2 november 2009

Ronde Klip

Last update: none. The trail will be as bad or good and as adventurous as allways.

Leave your wheels at the roadside opposite the beautifully restored plantation house Ronde Klip. Walk back to the asphalt road. follow the road and turn right to go up the hill that also is named Ronde Klip (round cliff). See the photo gallery for pictures of the trail.
The first we did this trail, we missed the turn off to the hill. We went on and on and on. We counted 14 wrecks at the side of the road.
The second time we were there, we found the right way to get up the hill and we did not have to count wrecks.
It is a pretty tough climb if you want to go all the way. I didn't make it (too hot!) but the others did. It is better to do this trail in the cooler season (November - February).
There is a trail to caves with Indian paintings. The trail is hard to be found though. Do not disturb the bats!!