
maandag 2 november 2009

Santa Catharina

Last update: none. Trail will be wet, muddy and overgrown after rainfall.New mills have been placed, so the begin of the trail can be a bit different. But, according to our groupmembers, who did the hike recently, the trail is still there and it is not a very difficult hike.
Don't go alone. Always form a group of at least four!

If you want to get to Santa Catharina the hard way, you park at Playa Canoa. Start walking to the mills. At mill 14 you turn right.
You also can drive on to that mill and start walking from there.
The trail gets smaller once it goes up. At some places it will be invisible (Bring something to cut thorny branches!), but as long as you go North East you'll get to the highest point from where you'll have a good view of the coast and plantation house Santa Catharina.