
donderdag 27 oktober 2011

Map of Curaçao - Kaart van Curaçao

Road maps for sale at Mensing's Caminada.
Hiking guide is sold out.


Update on Trails - Oct. 2011

The trails that we do are often overgrown with shrub and thorny bushes. Members of our hiking group check the trails once in a while. They try to keep the trails open.

Some old trails are closed, but there are new trails to enjoy.

Here is an overview of the trails that the hiking group did recently:

Ascension - all trails are in good condition. (North)

Boca Sami - the Sint Michielberg (hill) and around the laguna.

Boca Sami to Vaarsebaai Unico and back (short, very pleasant walk along the South coast).

Boca Santa Pretu. North.

"Bart-Dick" pad, along the Kippenfarm. (for insiders). North.

Groot St. Joris Koraal Tabak (cave). North.

Groot St. Joris (starting at the Struisvogelfarm). North.

Jamanike - Mal Pais. Steep climb. (Mal Pais - South)

Jan Kock- Rif Marie. Round trail of 2 and a 1/2 hour.

Jan Thiel. There is a lot of building going on, but we find new ways around those places. (south - east)

Kabrietenberg ( Beekenburg). Up the hill or around it. Head of trail sometimes hard to be found. (East)

Klein St.Joris. North - east.

Pannenkoek - to Boca Sal. South.

Porto Marie and Daaibooi (getting stuck in the bushes). South.

San Nicolaas (not the plantation, but the trails along the coast - Playa Hulu). South.

Santa Catharina (North Side).

Ronde Klip (North Side).

Vaarsenbaai: Bina trail.

Veerisberg (South side - quite a climb)

Photos: Germen Kroeger.

Rond de Kabrietenberg - Around the Goat Hill. South East

Hike of Oct. 2011

The trail starts at the end of the Caracasbaaiweg. Drive through the entrance of Baya Beach (also known as the area of Fort Beekenburg) and park your car there.

Photos by G. Kroeger.

vrijdag 21 oktober 2011

Welcome to Hiking Curaçao - The Trails

Road maps for sale at Mensing's Caminada.
Hiking guide is sold out.

See for the trails: THE TRAILS - links on the left side of this page.

We offer you pictures of several trails.
Curaçao is beautiful! We have dry times and wet times, we have a windy season or no breeze at all. So, what you see while hiking the trails, may be very different from what is shown in our pictures!
Please read the page with tips and info!

Groot St. Joris

Recent hike: Sept. 2011 - Photos by Germen Kroeger.

Start the hike at the Struisvogelfarm - Ostrich Farm
Trail follows the Sint Joris Salt pans ans an old path along the plantation.

 See: MAPS

woensdag 12 oktober 2011

Santu Pretu - San Nicolas, South Coast

Recent hike: Sept. 2011
Photos by Germen Kroeger.

From the main road to Knip and Westpunt, there is a sign pointing to San Nicolas and Santu Pretu. Follow the sandy road till you find a place to leave your car. The San Nicolas Plantation is not open to visitors, but there are trails to the South Coast that pass the plantation. See MAPS.