Introduction - introductie

This blog is not a trail guide. It is about the beauty and the diversity of Curaçao.
There are dry months and wet months, days with wind or storm or no breeze at all.
Due to the weather conditions, you may find he trails to be very different from what our pictures show.

Most recent hikes are described in Dutch / Nederlands (kijk voor de laatste wandelingen in het blogarchief). De paden veranderen snel, ze groeien dicht of worden gesloten. Er komen ook nieuwe routes bij.

The other entrees are in English. Our main object is to show the beauty of the island. We cannot always give exact directions of trail heads or ends.
Many trails change, closed by owners, or overgrown. . the maintenance depends on
enthusiastic volunteers. Our group tries out new trails too.

Important: never go hike alone! When visiting popular places like the Salt pans of Jan Kok or Ascencion Bay don't get out of your car unless other people are there. Leave money, cards and other valuables at the Hotel.
If you have no one to come with you, take a hiking tour with a guide. Please read the page with
tips and info
Do not touch the
Manzanilla tree or its leaves and apples. They are poisonous.
On all photos copyright of the owners.

Enjoy Hiking Curaçao!

zaterdag 3 januari 2015

Hiking Tips and Info

Rule number ONE: don't go alone. Best is to form a group of at least four.

Tips and Info: hiking on Curaçao

Try the southern trails in the cooler season November - February. September and October are the real hot cooling breeze, go North in those months. It can be raining a lot (in August and November) and in March there is a strong wind. But you can not be sure; some years the weather is different from what it should be.
Wear a hat, don't burn your face, don't get overheated, that sun is hot!!
Rainy Season
In August, October and November there can be heavy tropical rainstorms.
Many trails will be under water, muddy or just gone...
Best times to hike: In the early morning, just after the sun gets up or in the hours before sunset. We prefer the afternoon, starting about 16.00 hours (it gets cooler with everery step).
Always bring enough water. Put a bottle half full in the freezer a few hours before you go hiking. When you are ready to go, fill it up with water from the tab. Keep Cool!!
In the dark
Bring a pocket light. Soon after sunset, it gets dark. Also, a light is useful when visiting caves.
Do study the maps! Oh .. uh .. chances are you'll get lost anyway. Curaçao-Actief and Uniek Curaçao are working on a new set of maps with more trails and more accurate info.
It is better not to go alone. Try to find people to hike with you. Or ask for a guided tour at Carmabi, Uniek Curaçao, Curaçao-Actief, Wild Curaçao or Hòfi Pastór. See their websites.
Walking stick
A walking stick is useful! To give support on muddy trails, or when you walk on rolling stones, or while you are climbing (especially down) and you can use the stick to push thorny branches out of your way.
On most trails you can bring your best friend, but it should not run off and chase goats or wildlife.
Give your feet proper support! The trails can be wet, slippery or muddy. You will walk on soft sand, rolling stones, and hard sharp coral tuff (lava).
A white blouse or T-shirt keeps you cooler than a dark one.
Don't ever touch the leaves or eat the apples from the Manzanilla trees. They are very poisenous!
In wet weather, don't walk under the Manzanilla trees and don't touch the leaves.
What to do: in case you touched the leaves or stood under a dripping tree during a rain shower, use Aloe ointment or gel.
If you took a bite from the apple, drink lots of milk! And see a doctor.

( Indien u een hapje van een appeltje hebt genomen, drink veel melk en ga naar de dokter.
Bij huidaandoening: indien u de bladeren hebt aangeraakt, of na of tijdens een regenbui onder een druppelende boom hebt gestaan, gebruik Aloe zalf of gel )