
maandag 17 februari 2014

A short hike along the Jan Kok saltpans

Flamingoes at Jan Kok saltpans.

Path along the saltpans.


A waterbird.

Mangrove and roots.

At the very end is the Bullenbaai (bay). We did not go all the way, due to sudden rainfall.

We started at the road from Daniël to Willibrordus.
Park along the road and start walking where there is dry sand. It is close to the little deck that is built there to view the saltpans and the flamingoes.
Sometimes there is just a narrow path along the water. But since we did not have much rain this winter, there is a broad stretch of sand. 

Follow the car tracks (fishermen are allowed to drive) all the way to the Bullenbaai. Keep the camera ready to shoot flamingoes, herons and other waterbirds. We heard a lot of parakeet, but could not spot them. To get to Bullenbaai takes about 20 minutes.

It is possible to cross the water close to Bullenbaai. Use the pipe and follow the trail along the other side of the saltpans. That trail ends in Willibrordus. It is about 15 minutes from where the car is parked.