
zondag 2 maart 2014

National Park Christoffel - Zorgvlied trail

The Zorgvlied-trail hike in National Park Christoffel takes about one and a half hour. The trailhead can be reached by car. Entrance fee at the main entrance of the park.

The Zorgvlied trail, a walk along ruins and with great views of the hills and the coast.

The ruins of plantation house Zorgvlied.

A lone iguana on the ruined window sill.

A Warawara lands on a cactus.

Rocky hilltop.

Is this Morning glory?

Minuscule flower. 2mm.

The road and the Christoffel hill.

The park.

A lizard and a blooming Bromelia(d).

The beautiful pattern of the Wayaka tree.