Introduction - introductie

This blog is not a trail guide. It is about the beauty and the diversity of Curaçao.
There are dry months and wet months, days with wind or storm or no breeze at all.
Due to the weather conditions, you may find he trails to be very different from what our pictures show.

Most recent hikes are described in Dutch / Nederlands (kijk voor de laatste wandelingen in het blogarchief). De paden veranderen snel, ze groeien dicht of worden gesloten. Er komen ook nieuwe routes bij.

The other entrees are in English. Our main object is to show the beauty of the island. We cannot always give exact directions of trail heads or ends.
Many trails change, closed by owners, or overgrown. . the maintenance depends on
enthusiastic volunteers. Our group tries out new trails too.

Important: never go hike alone! When visiting popular places like the Salt pans of Jan Kok or Ascencion Bay don't get out of your car unless other people are there. Leave money, cards and other valuables at the Hotel.
If you have no one to come with you, take a hiking tour with a guide. Please read the page with
tips and info
Do not touch the
Manzanilla tree or its leaves and apples. They are poisonous.
On all photos copyright of the owners.

Enjoy Hiking Curaçao!

donderdag 27 oktober 2011

Update on Trails - Oct. 2011

The trails that we do are often overgrown with shrub and thorny bushes. Members of our hiking group check the trails once in a while. They try to keep the trails open.

Some old trails are closed, but there are new trails to enjoy.

Here is an overview of the trails that the hiking group did recently:

Ascension - all trails are in good condition. (North)

Boca Sami - the Sint Michielberg (hill) and around the laguna.

Boca Sami to Vaarsebaai Unico and back (short, very pleasant walk along the South coast).

Boca Santa Pretu. North.

"Bart-Dick" pad, along the Kippenfarm. (for insiders). North.

Groot St. Joris Koraal Tabak (cave). North.

Groot St. Joris (starting at the Struisvogelfarm). North.

Jamanike - Mal Pais. Steep climb. (Mal Pais - South)

Jan Kock- Rif Marie. Round trail of 2 and a 1/2 hour.

Jan Thiel. There is a lot of building going on, but we find new ways around those places. (south - east)

Kabrietenberg ( Beekenburg). Up the hill or around it. Head of trail sometimes hard to be found. (East)

Klein St.Joris. North - east.

Pannenkoek - to Boca Sal. South.

Porto Marie and Daaibooi (getting stuck in the bushes). South.

San Nicolaas (not the plantation, but the trails along the coast - Playa Hulu). South.

Santa Catharina (North Side).

Ronde Klip (North Side).

Vaarsenbaai: Bina trail.

Veerisberg (South side - quite a climb)

Photos: Germen Kroeger.