The magasina on top.
Trail to Playa Hunku from the parking place.
Old central trail.
The beach. (fee area)
Overview of the plantation
On one of the hills.
Old trail, now even more overgrown.
The Porto Mari Plantation opens the gates at 9.00 and closes at 19.00. It has a restaurant.
Porto Mari is a large plantation and offers several trails. Maps are probably not available anymore.
Old trail: to the Magasina (an old barn), which is quite a distance or the bird trail (not too long and you get to see the ruined plantation house).
Trails that are still o.k.: Two short climbs on the two hills that are directly west and east of the beach, or you can walk to Playa Hunku (Dingo).
As usual, our little group follows little unkept trails, where we hear angry pigs that try to scare us away. We get lost, as usual. But we are rewarded with a good look at Warawaras (the eagles), Parakeets, Kinikini and Falki (falcons).
See for trail maps: Trail Maps - Wandelkaarten